Your Daily Skin Care Routine

Your skin is the largest organ in your body and it has a very important job to do.  It keeps your insides from falling out, keeps you warm when it’s cold and cools you off when you’re hot. Your skin contains the nerve endings that give you your sense of touch. Perhaps most importantly, your skin constantly protects you.

Your skin constantly regenerates itself, all you need to do is to take good care of it, and by taking having an effective daily skin care routine, you are actually helping your skin to do its job.

Skin consists of three layers:

Your Daily Skin Care Routine, pimples on scalp
Your Daily Skin Care Routine
The epidermis – this is a thin layer of skin cells that continually shed and give way to new cells.

The dermis and hypodermis – two layers that produce the oil and collagen, this give your skin support, elasticity and shine.

You need to understand what type of skin you have before making decisions on what type of skincare products to use.  There are generally four skin types:  oily, normal/combination, dry or sensitive.

The most important way to take care of your skin is to keep it clean.  Bath at least once a day; take care of areas where you would sweat a lot like your underarms.  Keeping your hands clean is very important because your hands can spread germs to other areas of your skin.  Wash your face twice a day with warm water and mild soap, gently massage your face with circular motions, and don’t scrub as this can make skin conditions like acne much worse.  Over-washing your skin can make your skin red and sore, it can also damage your skin.

Improve your skin by taking care of your body with good hygiene, nutrition and exercise.  What you eat and drink has a very real effect on the health and appearance of your skin.  Drink a lot of water so your skin won’t look dry.  Eat plenty of fruits, vegetable, whole grains and lean proteins.  Research suggests that a vitamin C rich diet and low fats and carbohydrates may promote younger looking skin.

It is important that you use sunscreen regularly. Sunscreen protects the skin from the sun’s harmful rays, it helps prevent wrinkles when you get older and decreases the risk of skin cancer.  Although sunscreen protects your skin, it cannot completely protect against the sun, therefore always wear a hat and protective clothing to give you extra defence against the sun’s harmful rays.  Manny acne sufferers think “a tan” masks acne but this is only temporary.  A tan causes the body to produce extra sebum, which may worsen your acne, but it can also cause more serious problems such as skin cancer.

Keep stress under control as uncontrolled stress can make your skin more sensitive and trigger acne breakouts and other skin problems.  Set reasonable limits for yourself and make time to do things that you enjoy.

You only have one skin, it is not something you can return or swop around.
You are stuck with it forever, so always look after it and treat it well.

Acne In Women, Hormonal.

Acne in women can be considered a hormonal disease.  Hormones are responsible for the maturation of the oil glands in our skin.  Female acne can occur throughout a woman’s adult life:  in early adulthood, in the late twenties and thirties, during pregnancy and during menopause.  More than half of all adult women experience at least occasional breakouts.

A study showed that 63% of acne-prone women experience premenstrual flares, normally the increase in acne comes about seven to ten days before the onset of menstruation, and often subsides when menstruation begins, this has something to do with the intricate hormonal changes involved in the menstrual cycle.  Any time we see a change in hormones for example puberty, your menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause, we can see a breakout of acne.  Hormonally-induced acne can be hard to treat but low-dose estrogen and progestins birth control pills and androgen (male sex hormones) receptor blockers may help with regulating hormones, as women with acne tend to have higher levels of androgens.  Birth control pills that only contain progestins may make acne worse.

Certain types of makeup may cause an allergic reaction and you can get acne breakouts, this is called cosmetic-induced acne or a more familiar term is Acne Cosmetica.  Cosmetic acne can be stubborn and last for years as the person wearing makeup cover the breakouts, which lead to further breakouts and thus causing a vicious circle.  Cosmetic induced acne can take months to form and this leads to confusion as a breakout seems to come from nowhere, but actually cosmetics slowly caused the acne to form over time.  When you buy cosmetics to use on your skin or hair, look for ones labelled “non-comedogenic” or “non-acnegenic”, be careful while choosing cosmetics, especially oily or greasy products as they promote acne.

Acne in women
Acne in women

Acne in women can be a warning sign to an underlying medical condition.  When woman’s acne is accompanied by excessive facial hair, thinning hair or bald patches on the scalp, or irregular periods, it may be a sign of polycystic ovaries or adrenal hyperplasia.  It is also possible that you have a hormone-secreting tumor located in your adrenal or pituitary glands or your ovaries.  Testing can find the cause and it will allow the doctor to determine the best treatment.  Your acne won’t clear until the medical condition is treated.

It is very embarrassing for women to have a skin condition, especially something like acne that everybody can see and make you feel very exposed.  Do some research or go to your doctor or a dermatologist if you suffer from any of the conditions mentioned above.

how to remove Pimples on scalp

Pimples on scalp also known as "Pimples on scalp" occurs more often than you realize. Scalp pimples appears mainly on your upper forehead at the hairline plus may be a nuisance as it can cause you itching and pain. You can have just a few small, crusty, plus sore pustules and many, however you must be careful because once you have them it's hard to leave them alone.

Treatment method from pimples on scalp 

Pimples on scalp also known as Pimples on scalp
pimples on scalp
Keeping great scalp hygiene is the St plus safest remedy you can take to treat this problem. Get an anti dandruff shampoo, and one formulated for oily hair plus use it along with an effective conditioner. There are shampoos containing tea tree oil, lavender oil, and zinc which help reduce oil production from the scalp as well as cleanse your skin plus hair with out over drying them.

You may also consider hair programs designed to treat seborrhea and use astringents sparingly to avoid over drying your scalp, otherwise your pimples on scalp will continue. Another good remedy is to drink plenty of water. Water keeps your skin healthy plus it helps to create less oil.

If your scalp acne is mild, you may also treat it with medication used for pimple on the face plus body. Some good over-the-counter products are those containing salicylic acid. Apply these products only on affected areas using a Q-tip as they can cause you excessive dryness.

Avoid any product that contains benzyl peroxide, especially once you have chemically textured and color-treated hair. The peroxide, when it comes into contact with your hair, can change its color plus give you an awful look. Treating pimples for scalp can be difficult if you have other sorts of scalp difficulties such as dandruff plus a very oily scalp.

If your acne doesn't improve with any of these ideas, and if you have a more severe from scalp pimple and your situation becomes too painful plus uncomfortable, you should consult a physician and a dermatologist.

Conclusion pimples on scalp

I hope that from reading this content you were able to understand that pimples on scalp are never the same as skin acne. You were also able to understand that you may prevent them from considering proper hygiene, plus that even if the breakout has occurred, you can get rid for them from applying Benzoyl Peroxide or salicylic acid, as well as from starting to eat healthier foods. You may browse for more information on this web site. I wish you the very best luck in fighting out those pesky pimples on scalp